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xz0526 發表於 2019-7-7 07:29 PM

[視頻] 【初音ミク】 翡翠のまち 英文與日文翻唱及歌詞解釋翻譯

本帖最後由 a23069467 於 2021-9-10 03:05 PM 編輯

Town of Jade ♥ English Cover【rachie】 翡翠のまち


這個英文翻唱版本品質很好,查了下果然是V家曲,是熱潮過後難得的好歌呢不過我比較喜歡原文的版本翡翠のまち (cover) / 鎖那



哎呀~ 過了幾年我終於有空翻唱這首歌。這首歌阿!! 對我來說意義可重大了!! 我對它很是感同身受!! 所以我希望盡力以言語表達出這份感受;v; 大大地感謝Sayri在流星的部分的幫忙,那真是有點小麻煩,不過我覺得成果挺不錯的呢! c:那小哥是想像朋友嗎? 或是去世的朋友呢? 也許他們倆都死了? 我比較想要認為是女孩討厭長大的概念,覺得與其變成大人寧願死掉,就創了個想像朋友並用自己剩下的童年和他玩耍。因為她了解到自己成年了也能夠快樂,然後他就消失了。我說,這解釋還行吧? 在這的有誰認為他們有活到高中之後的阿?? 哈哈哈不管怎樣,感謝Aruvn幫忙混音! 請追蹤他和聽聽他的翻唱,他有著超讚的嗓音哪!! 感恩。備註: 是的我把整個PV清過了所以我能不被日文擋到貼字幕上去! 如果你想要清過的檔案在上面留言c:
❈原文:aaaa so i finally get to cover this song after a few years.this song!! means a lot to me!! and i really relate!! so i tried to put it into words as best as i could, and hopefully it came through ;v; a huge thanks to sayri for helping me out with the meteor part, that was a bit of a pain to nailbut i think it turned out just peachy! c:is the dude an imaginary friend? maybe a friend who died? maybe they're both dead? i like to think that the girl hates the idea of growing up and would rather die than become an adult, and made an imaginary friend to spend the remainderof her "childhood" with her having fun. then he disappeared cause she realised that she can be happy in adulthood too.i mean, relatable much? who here even thought they'd live past high school?? HAHAHAeither way thank you to aruvn for mixing! please follow him and listen to his covers, he has a voice that's the BOMB.COM!!! blessup.
p.s. yes i did clean the whole pv so i could copy the original subbing w/o the japanese in the way! comment below if you want the clean file c:
❈翻譯心得1.不知為何UP主寫人名和I都是小寫,是表現某種個性?2.不清楚meteor part是啥? 沒在他們的頻道找到這首3.a bit of a pain to nail查不到意思,靠感覺翻了4.imaginary friend猜測或許有專門譯名就查了下,然後看了這個很抖的故事集 -w-5.with her having fun應該是打錯字6.bomb有稱讚的意思,BOMB.COM大概是怕.jpg那種感覺吧7.覺得rachie的腦迴路有點難理解

-觀眾留言:對歌詞及PV的理解1-A K  1 年前
❈原文:The way I see it is that it’s basically about a girl who doesn’t want to grow up, graduate from high school and become an adult (because she is dead set on the idea that life will become dull as an adult) so she comes up with an imaginary friend so that they can do fun dates and such just like children (and maybe the imaginary person is someone she once knew but grew up and left or something) eventually, with the help of her friend, realizes that there is no stoping time and that she must grow up (I really like the imagery for this part because he shoots at her but what comes out of the barrel are blossomed flowers symbolizing the “death” of her childhood and the blooming of a young adult)Sorry that my writings a bit sporadic, I need to do homework but I really wanted to type this out for a while now;;; I might fix this up laterOh yeah one more thing...I dont thing she realized that he was imaginary and when he disappears at the end can also be like he is her childhood and it’s disappearing (and she might have had a crush on him and that’s why she is holding her hand to her heart at the very end and also like she lost a part of herself by growing up)
❈翻譯心得1.本想拿有花字的成語用在blooming of a young adult,但查到唯一的成語「花信年華」是指24歲,而young adult是20歲前,只能棄之不用=_=2.also be like he is her childhood and it’s disappearing這段很亂想想只能整個改寫3.文中大量的他和她,直翻會很彆扭3.再補充些設定可以寫成文藝片0v0~b

-觀眾留言:對歌詞及PV的理解2-unknown? 1 年前 (已編輯)
我想這是個關於一位女孩和她最好的朋友的故事。這位朋友去世了。沒有了他,女孩變得對任何事情都提不起興趣。男孩的回憶持續在她的腦內上演,這段可能說明了他們去翡翠之鎮的約會和歌詞「向天堂墜落卻直接落在地面」...這段歌詞,就我的看法,意味著她經常作關於男孩和他們在一起的時光的白日夢,然後在男孩已經走了的現實中醒來。她也想知道是否有人可以代替男孩,但後來她甩掉這個想法,因為對她而言男孩還是不可取代的。畢業的日子到了,紅色的玫瑰象徵孩子們的成長,其中也包括她。看到男孩的座位是空缺的令女孩扯掉制服上的玫瑰,代表因為對人生沒有任何期待,她不想長大,她只想待在最好的朋友還活著的過去。她哭著走到了操場,接著看到男孩的鬼魂。這裡的歌詞是「在這裡的我們倆,雖然不是很清楚,我想我現在明白了,我們被賦予了重頭再來的機會」,我想這些歌詞在說她一直以來並不是在作白日夢,她最好的朋友的鬼魂確實藉由和她的回憶和夢再一次重溫他們的友情,他們溫暖而快樂的童年。所以當她理解這件事時,男孩向她露出微笑,坦白了真相。最終,男孩將槍瞄準女孩的頭意味著他試著讓女孩懂得長大、向前進不是我們可以逃避的,實際也是我們都需要的。這就是為什麼槍射出藍色的花,意思是朋友給予她接受了同意自己必須面對往後生活的智慧。尾聲中,她最後一次感謝男孩一直陪伴著她。最後一句歌詞「當你的雙手消失時,自我手中穿透而過」表示她儘管看不見男孩,他待在那裡直到最後。(這首歌讓我很想哭 ;-;)
❈原文:I think this is a story about a girl and her best friend. Her best friend passed away and now, she has become uninterested in anything without him. The memory of the boy keeps showing inside her head which probably explains their date to the town of Jade and explains the line “to heaven I fall but straight to the ground”..that line, for me, means she is often daydreaming about him and their times together and then wakes up in the reality that he's already gone.She also wonders if someone will be able to replace him but then she shakes that thought away because he was irreplaceable for her.Graduation came and the red roses is the symbol that the kids are growing up, including her. The boy's seat is seen to be empty which makes the girl rip the rose from her uniform, which means she doesn't want to grow up since there's nothing to look forward to in life and she just wants to stay in the past when her best friend was still alive.She cries and goes to the playground then sees the boy's ghost. The line here is: “The two of us here, though it wasn't clear, I think now I understand. We were given a chance to do it all over again.” I think these lines are saying that she wasn't daydreaming at all yet her best friend's ghost was actually spending time with her through her memories and dreams to relive their friendship all over again; their gentle and happy childhood. So when she realized this, he revealed himself and smiled at her. Lastly, the boy aiming a gun on the girl's head means that he's trying to knock some sense into her and explaining that growing up / moving on isn't something we could escape but in fact something we all need. That's why the gun shot out a blue flower, this means that her best friend gave her a new wisdom which she accepted it along with the idea that she needs to face forward in life. In the end, she thanked him one last time for always sticking by her side. The last line “Your hands slipped through mine as they disappeared.” means that even though she cannot see him anymore, he would always be there until the end.
(This song made me cry so much ;-;)
❈翻譯心得1.Her best friend出現太多次很繞口就改了2.he revealed himself我想這邊是指揭露了故事真相,整個反轉高潮:D3.很日式的感動片,劇情之詳盡0v0~b

-觀眾留言:對PV的吐槽-Emotional Ghost  1 年前
當你終於對某人表白的時候,對方會隨意放支槍在你頭上。有時候我還真喜歡這種事發生在我們大家身上 XD
❈原文:When you finally confess to someone and they casually put a gun to your head i was like well it happens to us all at some point XD
❈翻譯心得1.FFF?2.我想他想表達的是 我看了啥鬼

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